
I'm being a bit vague

It will soon be our country, so shouldn't we have a say in what happens to it? I mean we will have the clean up job of the world if we don't get a say in all this.

Stop The Discrimmination

Children must be heard. New Colleague only three people can work on this no more blogs. only posting comments on our blogs. ourviewsourvoice.blogspot.com is her site. the government is using taxpayer dollars to cover their own wants.


What are you doing?

hey Washington big-shots. yes i just said that. you guys are just up there sitting in your fancy offices, eating superfluous amounts of food while many are dying in this country because of hunger. also you are driving big fancy suv's, while some people can't afford to even have a car. this "stimulus plan" didn't work like you said it would. so i'm begging you quit trying to tell us things are going good, are gonna get better when they aren't so just quit it.


i have a new colleague

i have a new colleague her name is Ninja. her site is ninja-don'tbehatinontheworl.blogspot.com

New info

Thomas Jefferson once said" all men are created equal. ALL MEN. including children. we have somewhat good ideas even if they're immature. now some kids may not understand what polititians are talking about but WE MUST BE HEARD!!!!!!!


changing object.

Okay, i am changing the object of this blog from random stuff to politics. I think kids should have a say in things not just the adults. kids have way good ideas while adults just screw everything up the economy for one example: we are gonna have to deal with all of the crap the adults leave behind. and it just makes me sick.